Vibrant Collaboration

How more honesty and intimacy in teams leads to better collaboration.

In this book I want to explore how dynamics between co-workers generated by feelings and emotions, as well as our life force and our honest and intimate relations on the workplace, are influencing our collaboration in teams and organizations.

Applied honesty, authenticity and a more consciously lived intimacy can support the transmutation of this life-force. And, in turn, this can lead to better conditions in the workplace, more inspiration, productivity, etc.

Eros as a co-creative force

Greek philosopher Plato referred to one of the four forms of love and an inspiration for seeking truth as Eros, while C.G. Jung used that term to describe the desire for wholeness or interconnection.
Sigmund Freud referred to Eros as ‘will to live’.

Exploring the space between us

As relational scholars we should enter an organization as if it were an extended set of relationships and to place more attention on the ‘‘space between’’—the space between subject and object.


With more openness, honesty and authenticity more intimacy and trust can unfold between the co-workers and the collaboration can be lifted to another level.

Vulnerability and intimacy in a corporate setting may seem scary for some, but my hope is that through this book the reader will see why these ideas and practices are important for a more constructive collaboration and to co-create a thriving future.

The Contributors

Heinz Robert

Heinz started to work on this book in summer 2016. He likes to explore with other authors the dynamics between people in teams and show ways, how emotions and feelings can positively influence the collaboration and how this can be used for innovative approaches of leadership.

Born near Vienna in Austria he has lived two years each in Spain and Germany, before he moved to Zurich, Switzerland in 2008. Heinz supports individuals and groups as catalyst for transformative processes. He has over 19 years of experience in self-development, more then 12 years on men and gender issues, and is a senior coach for men and sexuality.

Transgender CEO

Sascha Hümbeli contributed this interview with a transgender CEO from Switzerland. This CEO decided to stay anonymous and we respect her wish. However, this interview shows some interesting perspectives from a person who was born in a male body and changed their personality, and how that fits into the business world.

Kaouthar Darmoni

Kaouthar is one of the few women in the world who have a scientific background in Erotic Intelligence. Her whole work is all around the power and influence that Eros has in the business world. Academician, speaker, dancer, trainer, she is dedicated to empower women to unleash their feminine power.

Hilary Bradbury &
Lara Catone

Hilary and Lara have collaborated on an extended article on Eros and the impact on organizations. From their experience in Action Research and arts they draw some wonderful insights liberating relational joy and vitality at work.

Nilima Bhat

Nilima is co-author of the book Shakti Leadership and she shows us how leaders can learn acting from a consciousness of life-giving creativity and sustainability to achieve self-mastery and be of selfless service. In her short article and interview she speaks about turning from eros to Eros.
Shakti Leadership

Jeff Hearn

Jeff has been writing on gender, sexuality and violence in and around workplaces since the late 1970s, including three books, co-authored with Wendy Parkin: ‘Sex’ at ‘Work’, 1987/1995; Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations, 2001; and the just published Age at Work, 2021.
Örebro University
GODESS Institute

You Can Contribute, Too!

This book is an unfinished piece and I imagine it as a lively testimony of Eros and vibrancy on the field of organisational development which can change by time and create a broad dialogue.

Share Your Experience

Are you a leader, chief executive of any kind of organization, or do you have experience of working and leading in teams? Are you interested to share your experience and give your contribution in form of an interview, essay, or something for the toolbox?
What I definetly need is some men in here! So far I haven’t found one who is working in that field or is interested to participate.

Write to, with some information about yourself and your work.

Participate in the Survey

When I started this book I wanted to collect some empirical data with an online survey. You still can help by going through it and answer those questions.
Plan around 20 minutes of time for it.
Go to survey

Join the Dialogue

If you are on Facebook you can like our page and join the group to participate in the dialogue,  find latest updates on the book and the topic, and related events.

The Offer

Read the book

Number of pages: 328
ISBN: 978-3-347-38785-0

Price: 9,90 €

We would be glad to get your feedback when finished reading.

Nurturance Dialogue

Is #metoo and any form of #sexualmisconduct and #harrassment still an issue in your organization?

Heinz Robert can support you to create #savespaces to explore these topics in group #dialogues, based on the research for his book and his experience in working with groups and in different teams.

We will create together a respectful, non-judgmental and trusting atmosphere, where everybody’s voice is heard and welcomed.

Interested? Find details after clicking on the button, or send Heinz a message.

The Seminar

Supporting your team, or a group of your organization to find the hotspots and tension where expansion to more possibilities, as well as deeper connection can happen.

Based on discoveries from my research and long-time experience with groups we will do some pair and group work to find out where are the withholds in working together and what inspires the participants in others to collaborate with them.

Send me an inquiry how this could fit in to your workplace.

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